Ash Gilbert


Gilbert, A., Kay, J., and Rowe, P. A Novel Model Hierarchy Isolates the Effect of Temperature-dependent Cloud Optics on Infrared Radiation. Geoscientific Model Development. In review. Preprint

Wright, D.M., Jablonowski, C., Fujisaki-Manome, A., Mroczka, B., Gilbert, A., Titze, D., Mann, G.E., Anderson, E.J. The Sensitivity of Lake-Effect Snowfall to Changes in Lake Surface Conditions Across the Forecast Horizon in the Unified Forecast System’s Short-Range Weather Application (UFS-SRW). Monthly Weather Review. In review.

Jonko, A., Oliveto, J., Beaty, T., Atchley, A., Battaglia, M.A., Dickinson, M.R., Gilbert, A., Godwin, D., Kupfer, J.A., Hiers, J.K., Hoffman, C., North, M., Restaino, J., Sieg, C., and Skowronski, N. (2024). How will future climate change impact prescribed fire across the contiguous United States? npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. PDF

Snide, C.E., Gilbert, L., Meyer, A., Samson, P., Flanner, M., and Bassis, J. (2020). Seeing the Greenland Ice Sheet through students’ eyes. Eos. Article